Stop That Story with Tam Veilleux and Carrie Rowan – Choose Big Change

Stop That Story with Tam Veilleux and Carrie Rowan

If you've felt stressed or anxious and overwhelmed by indecision then the chances are good that there is a story stuck inside of you. Old storied, repeated too often, create negative patterns. Carrie Rowan, mindset coach, interviewed Tam Veilleux, creator of Energy Almanac, for fun-to-listen-to interview on Dream Vision 7 Radio Network about our multitude of stories and how they show up.

If you've ever wondered what a conversation between two transformational coaches might sound like, then this fun dialogue between two friends is one to bookmark. 

Carrie Rowan is the best-selling author of "Tell A New Story." She runs her own podcast called "Look For the Good", and she knows how to create deep and lasting change. Confidence never looked so good! When Carrie asked me to be one her show I jumped at the chance to share my old stories.

Recorded long-distance, between Maine and Massachusetts, this interview has many golden nuggets. Enjoy the conversation between Carrie and Tam. 

Carrie's radio program is on Dream Visions 7 Radio and can be heard internationally ever week at her channel. Be sure to subscribe.