Bonus25 – Choose Big Change




**Please check in regularly these links will be live by 12/31/24

You should expect great bonuses to go with a great book. 

Enjoy these unique book bonuses provided to Energy Almanac readers from our sponsors and contributors. We hope you'll love these small companies as much as we do. Below you will find an ongoing and growing list of discounts, freebies, specials to enjoy to expand your personal horizons.
All offers are provided separately by a variety of providers. For issues concerning any of the available offers please write and we will forward your request to the appropriate provider.

Let the bonus fun begin!


FREE Mini-Moon Journal Creative Template + Instructions

Artist, alchemist, astro-junkie Tam Veilleux brings you a fast, fun project that you can carry with you all month long. Print, fold, cut, re-fold and voila, a mini-journal for asking and answering questions all month long. Carry it in your purse, leave it near your bed, or bring it everywhere. You can use this journal for thinking, feeling, coloring, and capturing your deepest thoughts. 

Grab your FREE Mini Moon Journal. CLICK HERE. 


FREE Astrology Cheat Sheet

If you're astro-confused then this easy-to-understand visual learning tool will help you finally be able to connect the cosmic dots. Once you sign up you will get illustrations and key words for each planet and zodiac. Print this out and keep it with your Energy Almanac for easy reference.

Grab your FREE Cheat Sheet. CLICK HERE. 


Fun, Fresh FREE Art by Big Pink Studio

If one of your goals in the year ahead is to include more joy and color in your life, then join Tam Veilleux, artist and illustrator for the Energy Almanac on her journey with creativity. Get a free 5 x 7 print of "Heavily Meditated" the cover of the 2022 Energy Almanac, you pay shipping of $5. Send an email, pay shipping, get color in your mailbox.

Add color to your life. CLICK HERE.  to order your art, SUBJECT LINE: free art print


FREE Natal Astrology Chart & Report 

Discover the truth about yourself through this personalized report. Giving you a no-nonsense and easy-to-understand interpretation of your chart, this report will guide you on an inward tour, uncovering the personal talents, skills, and potentials that are uniquely yours. Your report will bring you face-to-face with your challenges and struggles, perhaps containing some surprising discoveries, including ones you may find difficult to acknowledge or share with those closest to you.
Grab your Astrology Chart & Report. CLICK HERE.


FREE Wisdom Reading

The trials and traumas of life can be a lot to carry. Discover what you need to know about your current life situation with reader Jane Redlon of the Energy Almanac's Wisdom Diaries. Gentle but powerfully delivered, your 15 minute reading may offer you just the insight you didn't even know you needed. Book your session today.

Book your Wisdom Reading. CLICK HERE. SUBJECT LINE: Wisdom Reading


FREE Energize and Align: Monthly Recalibration Session

Celebrate a new month and tap into the energies at play. This online experience will provide an opportunity to reset and recharge by combining the powerful practices of meditation, movement, and energy activation to align your mind, body, and spirit. Together we will set intentions, boost our energy, move our bodies, and find balance in our busy lives.  This monthly recalibration offers the perfect sanctuary for transformation, personal growth, and renewal. Enjoy new themes each month to refresh your energy, refocus your mind, and reconnect with your inner self. Recordings available with registration.

Join the recalibration session. Click HERE.








Follow us on Instagram for more astro fun! CLICK HERE!