About – Choose Big Change

About Tam



Tam Veilleux lives and loves in Brunswick, Maine. As an artist she has always chosen line, geometrics, bold color, and simple shapes with expressive language as the background for each piece. Behind every image is a cacophony of words that sustain it and bring it to life.

She found her calling at a young age and shelved it for reasons unknown. A late-in-life art class at the local college rejuvenated her passion for 2D art and propelled her to a half-degree at a now-defunct art college which she joyfully giggles about.

The marriage of bright color, bold shapes and inspiring words are Tam’s life-long gladness. A plethora of colors using acrylic paint and markers, watercolor, metallics, pencil and abstract style makes her work identifiable. Refusing to work too large, her propensity for small substrates has served her creativity quite well. Her goal to work large remains on her bucket list. 

Tam’s work is influenced by the possibilities born of the quantum field and her inspiration is often swayed by gastronomically delights, caffeine born ideas, trees, flowers, and words. 

Words well woven are her fuel and in the mind of Tam V. Delightful ancient poets such as Rumi and Hafiz walk hand in hand with Mary Oliver and dance in her thoughts. Also holding space in her mind are the affirmations, proclamations, and declarations of many great thought leaders, the likes of Cathrine Ponder, Edgar Cayce, Joseph Campbell and others. You’ll feel these words come through the art.

Frequency infused art with intention permeates Tam’s pieces along with wit, wisdom, healing frequency, energetic codes, and the music or podcast thoughts that are played as she creates. This purposeful infusion brings the viewer their own magic and eventually, healing. Alchemy, in Tam’s mind, is just a different word for transformation. She invites her collectors to use her art for beautifying the inner environment of their minds, as well as their personal environment.

NOTEABLE ARTISTIC ACHIEVEMENTS:  First place for “most creative” in Mrs. Marchetti’s fifth grade art class for seven weeks in a row. (Not joking.)


Tam has spent more than a dozen years helping others decode and debunk the traumas of life. Using emotional freedom technique, neuroscience, NLP and other energetic tools has kept Tam active in the coaching world. She is a master of practical spirituality marrying both science and spirituality, strategy and magic.

ALCHEMY: This word is about the magic of creating a life you love. 

Tam has a strong drive to create fun, fresh transformational products and services that you can work with for a lifetime. She performs workshops across New England and is available at your town, too. You create the invitation list, Tam will bring the dance. Learning should be fun and entertaining.

Tam Veilleux will deliver for your personal and professional speaker needs. Email to book Tam for your next event. Topics include: The ABC's of Creating Change Fast, How Astrology is Impacting Your Staff, and Pardon Me, But Your Astrology Is Showing.

She does a monthly podcast with master astrologer Janet Hickox and guests on podcasts across the world wide web. 


Tam is the creator and lead collaborator of the international award-winning Energy Almanac. Super Virgo with Sagittarius rising and a fifth house Taurus moon makes Tam the perfect person to simplify the nuances of the ancient art of astrology. The Energy Almanac is 52 weekly astrology predictions and 12 months of holistic resources for those just now dipping their toes into this noetic art.

ASTROLOGY: Discover your personal solar cycle, it’s meaning and application so you can SHINE BRIGHT all year long. Each solar cycle and lunar cycle offers many gifts if you’ll just tune in and tap into them. Keep on top of which cycle you’re in and how best to maneuver your way through it.

Guide yourself to the greatest gift ever… YOUR PERSONAL JOY


At Choose Big Change we strive to bring products to market that help you harness that magic so you can be happier, healthier, and wealthier...faster.

  • Mindset products.
  • Teaching tools.
  • Services that go deep.
  • Insight that is wide.
  • Gifts that send a message or serves a purpose.

Here you get all of these plus inspiration and motivation to keep you going for the gold.

Think customer appreciation gifts, retreat attendees swag, client thank-you's, birthdays, promotions, good-bye's and hellos.

The target of our curated collection is to keep transformation fun and fresh so you, or those you buy for, can set life on fire.



"Hey, hi! I am Tam and Tam I am. I’m an experienced coach leading clients of all ages through personal and professional change. My superpower is in simplifying things. I combine traditional coaching with simplified astrology and energy psychology for results that happen fast. My goal is always to return a person to their power quickly so they can move forward with less effort. I apply your personal astrology to your own evolution.

The products and services I offer here give you a chance to grow in the way that best suits you. Between DIY and workshops or online webinars where I teach and lead, there are many ways to approach change. My goal is to keep things fun, fresh, and transformational. Three cheers to your personal growth!"


"Working with Tam has been a cascade of A-HA moments leading to positive enhancements within both of my companies; she's brought synergy to my workflow and organizational skills."KAREN ST. CLAIR

"Tam installed tools within me to create a morning routine that creates magic on the daily! This has been such a profound experience that I have my young adult children coaching with her, too! It's life changing." -TRACEY P., SERIAL ENTREPRENEUR

"The Energy Almanac is the most used book in my house; I use it everyday! It has revolutionized the way I do calendar management. It's taught me how to leverage and honor the stars to easily and consistently be my best self." -LISA PRESLEY, PRODUCTIVITY PIXIE