Daily Manifestival DIY Learn to flow – Choose Big Change
Tam Veilleux Coach Manifestival
Daily Manifestival
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Daily Manifestival

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Could you benefit by more flow in your life?

The Daily Manifestival

A DIY email course for cultivating spiritual alignment 

Flow is a real thing and 30 minutes a day can change everything.

Imagine a life without pressure and trusting that any real work is being done through the thought field . 

You’re clear. You’re confident. You have momentum and everything is easy. 

I remember the days of daily dissatisfaction.  A J.O.B. I disliked, unfulfilling work, and constant efforting to make my side-hustle a side-something. I was worried most days and lacked confidence in my decision making.

I spent month after painful month sprinting through my days thinking faster MUST be better and more must mean sooner.

I was ungrounded. 




And doubtful of my own capacity to succeed.

I was exhausted and frustrated beyond words. 

It was only after a heated discussion with a person I love who was craving my attention that I finally realized I needed to slow down or self-destruct.

I needed to slow down or risk losing the entire reason I actually wanted to build a business in the first place. I wanted to have more time with my family. 

Why was my life running backwards? 

A journey from fast to free.

The recurring theme saying “Get grounded” was in all the books I read.

It was a few weeks in development but soon I had stitched together a 30 minute morning routine that would find me breathing deeper, feeling calmer, staying present, and thinking more clearly. 

And dang, I was lighter, and much happier.

I was suddenly in alignment and I seemed to be magnetic.

It was an incredible journey from fast to free.

As my practice deepened so did my success.

I began attracting friends, business associates and clients who wanted to work with the easy-going joyful person that I really was at my core. 

Faith was leading me instead of fear. I was clear, confident and ready to take on the world. 

My family started noticing that I was more relaxed just as I was noticing I was enjoying life in a new way. 

Ideas were pouring into me and less effort was producing more results.

A proven strategy to power up your intentions and advance goals.

Before developing my morning magic routine I had visited many energy healers. I’d done shamanic journeys, cleansed my auric field, had cord-cuttings, and intuitive readings all of which gave me hope but created no real change in my thought processes.  

I tried affirmations on their own, prayer on its own, and emotional freedom technique as a stand-alone technique. These helped me feel good - for a while, but the dopamine hit didn’t last long enough. I was still wearing myself out with fear, worry, and doing. 

Gratitude journaling...whatever.

I created the most beautiful vision board. Still… nothing.

Are you missing flow?

Imagine pacing yourself and trusting that the real work is being done through the thought field. 

Feel the ground beneath your feet and finally notice the birds chirping outside the window. 

Eye contact with those you love is as regular as your smartphone’s daily reminder to stop, drop, and pray mid-day. 

When you can sense the field of energy that surrounds you is clear and you suddenly become a magnetic force attracting all the joyful, powerful, beautiful things you’ve ever desired, that’s magic. 

That’s manifestation at its finest.

Grab my Daily Manifestival practice and use it for life.

The Daily Manifestival is a 30 Day DIY (that’s do it yourself) Spiritual Jumpstart email course to get you clearing, loving, intending, cultivating, questioning, expecting, aligning, and trusting your own powerful ability to manifest great things.  

You’ll develop a daily 30 minute practice for aligning yourself with universal energy. 

Each day rise to an email with easy step-by-step instructions. The hard work is done for you. You’ll be shown what to do when, and why! You don’t have to think about it. Don’t guess what to say. You simply read the prayers, follow the scripts, listen to the audio, and just breathe. 

30 Minutes a day will change everything. 

Your new practice includes making peace with past mistakes, aligning with your vision, doing generative EFT tapping, speaking powerful generative questions, igniting through specific writing techniques, and cultivating your personal energy field.

What is included in the Daily Manifestival:

  • A pre-work PDF workbook with instructions for discovering what may be in the way of you fully enjoying building your practice
  • Materials list
  • A streak tracker page in case you need accountability
  • Choosing a place to practice
  • Ideas for building your prayer book
  • An EFT training to use for the rest of your life
  • A tapping video the covers the topic of “Resistance”
  • 30 emails with instructions with links to clickable files
  • Audio files
  • Video files
  • Fun PDF’s for doing your visioning, writing, and coloring
  • Prayers
  • Affirmations
  • EFT scripts
  • Generative questions
  • Gemstone suggestions
  • Suggested reading list
  • Vision board Pages (and instructions)
  • An overview of Coach Tam Veilleux’s signature evolution plan
  • A FB group where you can chat with others involved

Your life-long practice starts now.

This is a powerful lifelong prayer practice and manifestation tool that will set your life on fire if you are willing to take 30 minutes each day and apply this to your life. 

Just enter into it gently and with an open heart and notice incredible results, fast.

This coach-in-your-pocket faith-building manifestation tool has an incredible value of more than $600. I typically teach this during private retreats.

It’s just $77  (and it’s yours to use for life.)

**If you do the work, this plan works BUT if within 7 days you decide this isn’t for you, simply send an email requesting your money back and that’s what you’ll get, no questions, no comments, just your full refund.

Buy now, start today:  $77

“When I do my morning practice with you things just flow. I struggled to do it at home without your guidance so I just quit. Now things aren’t the same. I’d love to have you in my pocket.”   -Ronda, private client.

“Feeling the joy. Thanks again for your good coaching.”  -M Jarry, private client


BONUS  #1   Week at a glance worksheet

If you want to know how to get things done, ask a VIRGO. Super-Virgo coach and creative Tam Veilleux is going to pull back the curtain on her weekly schedule. The Week At A Glance Magic Making page is a deep look at how I (Tam)  build my work week. You can borrow my template and create a work week with boundaries that you can apply to your life. The PDF is downloadable and yours to keep and workwith forever.  Value: priceless

BONUS #2  Discount for next Magic Maker’s Planner & Playbook  

If you want to go to the next level in planning, grab the next Magic Maker’s Planner & Playbook using this special discount code to help you save in a big way! Inside the planner is space for weekly scheduling,  list making, moon dates, journaling questions, month end reviews, goal setting, and more!

Value: 25% off the retail price

The Daily Manifestival

A DIY Email Course for Cultivating Spiritual Alignment 

Is only $77. Buy now. Start today.


But Tam, I don’t have the time!

If you’re already short on time that is the number one reason you need a morning magic practice. Leaning in and letting the universe do the heavy lifting actually creates time. When you apply the energy tricks and create a magnetic auric field and opportunities find you instead of you running around seeking them. As you develop faith the love, money, confidence, and momentum all just show up. It’s effortless. If you love efforting daily close this web window now.

I already have my own morning practice. Do I really need this? 

Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. If you’re happy, if your life is generative, if you are getting results, you’re probably all set and we thank you for reading this far. On the other hand, if you know your life is weak and you waver in faith, lack confidence, or just feel something is missing, this is a great program for you.

When does the program start?
The program begins the day you buy it. If you fall off track you simply start opening the emails again and get back on board. In fact, download each email to a folder on your computer’s desktop and just reference the program as you need it. 

What if I miss a day? How do I catch up?

Your commitment to yourself should be strong, but if you miss a day and you’re ready to restart, simply reopen the last email you had opened (on the day you stopped participating) and start again. This program builds upon itself, so if you stopped at Day 6 but on day 8 you wish to resume we recommend opening email 6 again and then Day 7, Day 8 etc in order. Don’t forget to reference your daily streak tracker to remind you where you were at.

I am not a religious person, will this work for me? 

This isn’t about driving you toward religion or making you believe in anything you don’t want to believe in. It is about you building a relationship with your version of a Higher Power. In the program, we use the word God. You can use Source, Universe, Nature, or any word that feels comfortable to you. 

I am not good at technology, do I need to be?

If you can open an email and click a link to listen to an audio file or watch a video, that’s all you need. There is no real technology involved except opening your computer and reading the email for 30 days of this self-guided program. 

I don’t fully understand what it means to work with energy, will this slow my progress?

You don’t have to understand what “energy” is to make it move on your behalf. You only have to be willing to trust that by addressing your unconscious mind in a way that is beneficial life will get easier. 

I don’t know how to do EFT now what?

EFT, emotional freedom technique, is an integral technique in this program. It is a blend of science and spirituality. You will receive a video explaining exactly how to perform this easy-to-do self-help technique. 

How much EFT is involved?

Emotional freedom technique (tapping) is a powerful process that is recommended for daily use until your energy field is magnetic. You’ll be building a practice that includes daily tapping. 

I don’t have a clear idea of what I even want for myself right now, so can I really use this? 

Aligning with your own personal vision will come naturally as you apply Tam’s signature evolution process to your days. If all you desire is a closer connection to God/Source, this program will serve that.

Will I have access to this forever?

This course is yours forever. We’ll even teach you how to save it inside of your email system so that you can lean into this every single day.

The Daily Manifestival 

Use it for life.

Develop a daily 30 minute practice for aligning yourself with universal energy. The Daily Manifestival is a 30 Day DIY (that’s do it yourself) Spiritual Jumpstart email course to get you clearing, loving, intending, cultivating, questioning, expecting, aligning, and trusting your own powerful ability to manifest great things.Each day rise to an email with easy step-by-step instructions. The hard work is done for you. You’ll be shown what to do when, and why! You don’t have to think about it. Don’t guess what to say. You simply read the prayers, follow the scripts, listen to the audio, and just breathe. 

It’s just $77  and it’s yours to use for life.

**If you do the work, this plan works BUT if within 7 days you decide this isn’t for you, simply send an email requesting your money back and that’s what you’ll get, no questions, no comments, just your full refund.

Buy now, start today.