AstroInklings Annual Overview 2024 – Choose Big Change
AstroInklings Annual Overview for 2024
AstroInklings Annual Overview for 2024
AstroInklings Annual Overview for 2024
AstroInklings Annual Overview for 2024

AstroInklings Annual Overview for 2024

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Admit it. You’re curious about 2024.  

DATE: Thursday, December 21, 7-9 pm

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a look at what the next 12 months will bring? You're cordially invited to join Tam Veilleux for a visual view of 2024. Astrology is a big topic that needs simplifying. Tam will bring the planets to life in all of their glorious costumes so that you can finally fully understand and "see" what's going on. 

This is the ahhhhhh retreat with the build in a-ha moment you need to lead an easier life in the year ahead. 

As above, so below

A key phrase for the year ahead is "As above, so below." Learn how manifestation is a key theme and why in 2024 you will want to amplify your skills.

DATE: Thursday, December 21, 7-9 pm

Raise your hand if you appreciate:

  • Knowing what to expect and when
  • Clarity about how the planets interact
  • A new point of view about the zodiac signs
  • A simplified understanding of astrology
  • Knowing which days to avoid
  • A list of which days will be amazing  in the year ahead(yay)
  • Knowing which transits will affect the masses and how they might react
  • Calculating when your money might flow more freely
  • Tools and strategies for specific time frames in 2024

This online workshop is:

  • 2 hours, 7-9 PM Eastern Time
  • Online
  • The replay
  • A PDF that will assist in your note taking and strategizing
  • Fun, fresh teaching style that’s easy to follow

If you’re a little more curious than average when it comes to astrology and how it is playing out around you, then you’re in the right place. 2024 has some key transits that are remarkably freeing if you are willing to do the work. 

If you love astrology but detest astro-speak, this is for you! 

Tam Veilleux, Virgo, has the gift of distilling information into its simplest, most usable form. You will understand what she says and retain it, too. She'll present this workshop using her characters and outfits model for understanding astrology. It's the teaching moment you always needed about a subject that is an inch wide and a mile deep.

This two hour workshop is yours to keep. We'll take a tour through all 12 astrology houses and learn. 

...key dates and degrees to watch for

...what you'll be responsible for 

...a defining astrology transit that will last for yeeaarrrssss.

...what's different about money management next year

...what might happen to your curiosity the education system could be affected

...learn about the eclipses the three grand trines of fall 2024

...which area will require new boundaries

...about Mercury's multiple trips retrograde you need to show up and some tools to help you do that!


We'll answer your burning questions, too!


Fill your 2024 astrology cup!

This special event brings you together with the ancient wisdom of astrology for a next-level experience that deepens your understanding of the planets and your part in the shifting society. 

Astrology is not just for astrologers. It's for every day people like you. No heady fancy-schmancy words, just clear, concise language.  

LOCATION:  Online.  More information once you register. 


More about Tam

Join Tam Veilleux, Cosmic Pretzel, the lead visionary of the Energy Almanac. Acting as a transformational coach by day, artist and astrology groupie by night, she will help you learn how to shine bright, feel good, and live big with #AppliedAstrology.

Tam has been leading groups and individuals to greatness since 2012. With law of attraction, manifestation, energetics and now astrology under her belt, she brings her very Virgo personality to retreats under the name “Cosmic Pretzel.” 

Her passion is for helping people who are struggling with stagnation to connect the dots and evolve to their greatest version of themselves. Tam’s goal is to make transformation fast, fun, and easy through her illustrated products and services. Her company Big Sky Publishing is home to The Energy Almanac, which is a holistic resource guide that offers weekly astrological predictions for the year ahead.

PRAISE for Tam's work!