If you think change is hard, think again.
You need just 21 Days to see a new you!
Negative childhood imprints stay trapped in your nervous system and those daily repetitive negative thoughts, if left alone, can trip you up for a lifetime.Are you:
- Losing sleep over past mistakes?
- Still struggling to feel successful or believe in yourself?
- Frozen with fear of what the future might bring?
- Stuck in a holding pattern of confusion or overwhelm?
In only 21 days you can eliminate years of habitual negative thought patterns and create the big shift you crave. Help yourself to clarity and confidence with EFT tapping.
In this course you will:
Make space in your head for better thoughts and new ideas
- Develop a life-long healthy habit that will change how you think
Manage your emotions and streamline the process of dealing with the hard stuff
Feel better faster
Tap into a happier, healthier, wealthier you and FAST
Costs just $1 a day
This is how it works:
In your email inbox once each day for 21 days you will receive a solid plan. Each day you will read that day's email, the tap along with the specially written script that deals with one emotional topic per day. Your time investment is under 15 minutes a day that creates a habit of personal growth.

It’s never too late to create the change you need & start living a life you love.
This product is developed by transformational success coach Tam Veilleux who has been using EFT tapping for nearly ten years to take clients from sad, stuck, and confused into clarity, confidence, and momentum.
The 21 Day Emotional Detox plan takes UNDER TWENTY MINUTES a day to create a big shift that can take you from feeling average to awesome. Just ONCE A DAY for life-changing journey towards a new you.
The new you is only 21 days away.
There is science behind all your negative emotions.
Did you know...When an upsetting event occurs your body creates a chemical response in your endocrine system, the chemicals create an emotion or feeling that ends as your reaction.
It happens in under a second, but the effects of negative emotions can and will wreak havoc on your body creating discomfort and dis-ease. The chemicals break down your cells and eventually you experience health issues.
All these chemicals and emotions can be cleared from your body.
Undo the emotional damage from past failures. It took you 20 or more years to develop your habit of negative thinking, you can begin to undo it all in just 21 days.
That “tapping thing”, EFT, addresses everything. Emotional Freedom Techniques (aka Tapping) is a form of self-care that promotes healing by disrupting the negative energy patterns in your nervous system. It addresses those pesky messages that limit your beliefs about yourself.
EFT is free to use, easy to learn and ultra powerful.
The scientific results of EFT prove there is deep and lasting healing with the regular habit of tapping. Lower blood pressure, lower heart rates, along with optimal serotonin levels means less anxiety, reduced tension and more of the “feel good” chemicals like dopamine for your body.
With this kind of freedom from emotional pain there are more ways for your mind and your body to work together toward your goals like happiness, health and wealth!
– Tim, a successful businessman in his 40’s, eliminated a physical ailment instantly reducing his stress level which addressed a $10,000 business mistake.
– Jackie, age 21, in a new relationship, tapped away a bothersome memory of her boyfriend having a conversation with his ex.
– Carol, age 50 had chronic pain in her woman parts due to extreme mental abuse as a child; she broke free from that pain after a one hour session.
– Joseph, a self-professed “closet tapper” tapped away an oncoming head cold and regularly helps himself to deeper sleep and clarity in his self-employment.
– Laurie, age 50, “I have gained greater self-confidence, strength in my beliefs and dreams, calmness in the face of adversity and possibly most important- how to love myself after years of questioning whether I was worthy of it.”